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  • Board of Referees
  • 6. Role of the EI Boards of Referees

    The Board of Referees' main function is to make decisions on all issues arising from an appeal lodged under subsection 114(1) of the Employment Insurance Act.   subsection 114(1)of the Employment Insurance Act

    Once constituted, the Board of Referees does not act on behalf of the claimant, the employer or the Commission, and neither do its individual members, regardless of whether they are drawn from a background affiliated with labour or employers.The Board is there to referee and to render justice based on the Employment Insurance Act, its Regulations and jurisprudence. The Board acts as an administrative tribunal, hearing each side and rendering a decision based on the facts of the particular case and the law, in accordance with the principles of natural justice.

    The principles of natural justice require that the parties:

    It is to the advantage of all parties and Board members to prepare themselves for the hearing on receipt of copies of the appeal docket.

    The Board of Referees is empowered to:

    The Board does not have the authority to:

    Unlike a decision of an Umpire, a decision by a Board of Referees does not constitute a precedent and is not binding on any other Board of Referees.

    Before arriving at the hearing, the Board of Referees members should have reviewed the facts of each case, the applicable jurisprudence, and the relevant sections of the EI Act and Regulations. The Board should note not only the jurisprudence cited by the Commission and the interested parties to the appeal, but also other relevant jurisprudence that was not cited. The Board of Referees Quick Reference Tool, the Jurisprudence Library The Jurisprudence Library and the EI Appeal Decisions Favourable to Workers databases may be valuable in conducting such research.

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